Business principles and Marketing in Life-Style Entrepreneurship

Business principles in Life-Style Entrepreneurship

Theme: Business principles and Marketing in Life-Style Entrepreneurship
Exercise: Business principles in Life-Style Entrepreneurship
Developed by: Social Innovation Fund, LT

Aim: To deepen your understanding of the principles of running and managing a business (including Life-Style entrepreneurship), such as setting a business mission, completing thorough market research and making financial planning.

Learning outcomes:
  • Ability to describe the principles of running and managing a business.
  • Discussing the important issues in starting Life-Style Entrepreneurship.
Expected duration: 20 minutes

Every entrepreneur, including Life-Style entrepreneurs should be aware of main business principles in order to be successful in his/her business. This exercise will help you to learn what the main business principles are and what main aspects you should know when you decide to start your own business.

Task: For each question, please select possible answer that you think is correct.